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Review by Mr. OMY


Fair transposition affects not overdo Rating 3 out of five stars



The plot certainly does not shine in originality and unexpected twists, but on the other hand, the story comes to a video game and has now been ritrasposta in film. The opening scenes are back to memory Aladdin, the Disney cartoon of the early 90s, but on the other hand historical period, location, and production house are the same as the animated feature film. The special effects were present throughout the duration of the projection are well cared for, but do not overdo it or the pretense of leaving the audience in awe as the latest productions of Jerry Bruckeimer. A light-hearted film, suitable to spend a quiet evening in the name of a little 'adventure, which still manages to capture the audience's attention.

"Houston, we have a problem."
Apollo 13, 1995