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Review by Mr. OMY


The Warriors is almost a masterpiece of its kind. Hill takes the theme dell'Anabasi Xenophon and adapts it to the nocturnal urban violence and youth gangs of the 70s that gradually began to form, Hill will resume the same theme and adapt it in the swamps of Louisiana with another masterpiece of its kind the Warriors also silent swamp them the protagonists who had only one purpose, to save your ass and go home in any form or by any means, with actors in a state of grace that will become hereinafter semi / famous. In the film The Warriors the scene of the death of Ciryus that falls to the ground in slow motion (although it will be shot in slow motion) and the wait at the station and then the pursuit of batsmen with baseball bats ("faces pitted" ), followed by the soundtrack to Barry De Vorzon is simply terrific, as well as the clash in the processes of the underground skaters, or the rhythmic clink of bottles tucked into the toes of the troublemaker who repeated as a chant threatening "play warriors to wage war ? ... warriors play to make war? .... warriors play to make war? .... (the actor's name escapes me .. will always do the part because of his face and his height slimy bastard), if it was not for some ingenuity of the director in the direction of the actors could shout to the masterpiece like a Clockwork Orange for the issue of youth violence, but we are close to a few centimeters.

"I'm going to make him an offer he can't refuse."
The Godfather, 1972